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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Favorite Tape Frame

From: Mike Dickson <>
Date: 2007-12-18

Without a doubt you ∗need∗ the eight voice choir. (Russian choir is also
a good alternative and sounds a little more 'in tune', thanks to the

You don't need string section because you can interpolate B and C on
frame #1 to give you that, but you ∗need∗ the Mk II Brass for a good
'bottom end' sound.

For the third sound I'd go with one of the newer line; maybe Fritz's
Chamber Woodwinds. That would give you three fairly contrasting voices
for frame #2.

Have a listen to the samples at to see if
there is anything else that grabs you.


Bruce Daily wrote:
> Hi, all-
> Happy Holidays!
> After refurbishing the mechanics & electronics on
> ol' #1221, I am satisfied it isn't going to blow up.
> In fact, it works pretty well (By the way, many thanks
> to Frank Stickle, Jery Korb, and others for much
> advice & help, I am very grateful).
> It's time to consider another tape frame for the
> beastie. I have the classic Flute/3 Violins/'Cello
> frame, which runs well for now. Thought I would poll
> everyone, and find out what your favorite 2nd (or,
> 3rd) frame voicing might be, and why. I would think
> this question has probably been asked a few times in
> the past, before I joined the group last March.
> Thanks again-
> Bruce Daily
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Mike Dickson, Edinburgh