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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup]Moody Blues

From: Bob Snyder <>
Date: 2007-12-16

"Island" would seem to be an authentic MB recording as it was one ofthe four bonus tracks on the SACD release of Seventh Sojourn that cameout in April of this year.

Bob S.

trolldelux wrote:

I found that song on YouTube a while ago. It sounds like the real
deal to me; from both the application of mellotron/chamberli n andthe
drum work. The drumming sounds (to me) very much like Greame Edge of
the early 70's.

I had a copy of 'Blue Jays' (now lost), where Hayward and Lodge tried
to keep working after '74. The sound is very MoodyBlues-lite, but
showed the sensitivity of the old Moodies to personnel changes. That
makes it hard for me to believe "Islands" is a Hayward solo effort.

Does anybody here actually know the pedigree of that song?

Canton, MI

--- In newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com,pete <marabus@... > wrote:
> I also found on you tube a track called Island-it states it's a
> but to my ears it sounds more like a J.Hayward solo song.-Anyone?
> Pete
> com/watch? v=yCtR-EQ7d3g& feature=related
