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Subject: Re: Tronspotting

From: "Sean" <>
Date: 2009-12-07

--- In, Mark Pring <markpringnz@...> wrote:
> Well I think Wittgenstein pretty much summed it up:
> "The sense of the world must lie outside the world. In the world everything is as it is, and everything happens as it does happen: in it no value exists -and if it did exist it would have no value.
> If there is any value that does have value, it must lie outside the whole sphere of what happens and is the case. For all that happens and is the case is accidental.
> What makes it non-accidental cannot lie within the world, since if it did it would itself be accidental.
> It must lie outside the world."
> Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 6.4 1
> Well I think that makes everything clear.
> Now what does that have to do with mellotrons? How did we get here?
> Mark

I'd be curious to see what the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would have to say about Mellotrons...
