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Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] Re: 4-Track Mellotron restoration

From: Gary Brumm <>
Date: 2009-10-30

Is this part of your collection or are you rebuilding for a client? 

What a great rare piece.  I am sure it will be a showpiece when you’re done. 

Are the original tapes pretty well shot?  What is the keyboard action like compared

to a 400? …..Have fun….great project!





From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: 4-Track Mellotron restoration





I have never seen a T-550, although I know someone who has one. As for the other  4-tracks, I think Ryo has one in his collection. Beyond that, I have no idea where the other two are. I agree that it seems like a vast improvement over the 400, but it would still have needed to have evolved a bit for mass production. One neat thing about it is that it all bolts together... Everything! Even the cabinet may be disassembled into a bunch of stamped metal panels. Plus, there is room in the cabinet for two small children or a good sized dog. Or maybe a cooler of some kind :-). It certainly is very road worthy.




In a message dated 10/29/2009 9:16:34 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:


Do you know anything about the history of this machine or any of the other 3 that were produced (who used them, recordings,etc.)?  This machine has always intrigued me and seemed a better design than the 400 (fixed heads, etc.).  Have you ever seen one of the T.550s (400 built into a road case)?
