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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Court Samples

From: "caddyfam" <>
Date: 2009-10-17

You just cannot beat the original. Personally, I'd like to
know how they did the pitch bend, seems to be too many notes
to free a hand up to turn the pitch. Our band reluctantly
agreed to do a "prog" set next year, and Epitaph hopefully
will end the set. I've tried to figure out what parts to do
with only one guitar and bass and drummer, results of first
attempt on YOUTUBE. Doug

----- Original Message -----
>Further to the is something for you to compare:
>The 'classic' version of the chorus:
>http://www.mikedick private/30- Chorus.mp3
>The 'revised' version:
>http://www.mikedick private/40- Chorus.mp3
>The 'classic' pitch bend:
>http://www.mikedick private/30% 20Sweep.mp3
>The 'revised' version:
>http://www.mikedick private/40% 20Sweep.mp3
>Mike Dickson, Edinburgh
>Free Music Project: http://www.mikedick
>Or http://www.last. fm/music/ Mike+Dickson
>Or http://soundcloud. com/mikedickson
>Or http://www.planetme revd4.htm# mikedickson