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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] The Worse Use of A Mellotron

Date: 2009-10-08

I say we all chip in and buy Andy a cape for Halloween.
I like Six Wives too, but I'll never admit it to anyone else.
In a message dated 10/7/2009 6:00:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

In a message dated 07/10/2009 22:50:24 GMT Daylight Time, lsf5275@aol. com writes:
Thanks for clearing that up, Andy. I thought it was you but Rick got me confused.
Frank. Don't worry.
I've been confused for years!
And to prove it... OK, I'm going to say it.... Ready?
OK, I admit that I loved the tron on the original Six Wives album, so there!
Actually, I've just realised I've crossed topics from my original RW post, but given the subject here, there are those who may think that Six Wives is perfectly at home here.
I'll get my coat....