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Critical reviews don't have phrases like "so if you'regoing to make a movie..." Since, I'm assuming, Frank hasn't made one,he has no idea of what he's talking about. Opinions should bewell-grounded; venting your spleen doesn't need to be, but it opens youup to discussions like this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Brumm <>
Sent: Wed, Sep 30, 2009 12:22 pm
Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film in London...
Movies havecritics…books have critics…music has critics…there is nothing wrong inFrank having an opinion on the film.Personally I havenot seen the film but if it’s about the Mellotron than I think RickWakeman, who is one of the artistswho made theMellotron famous, should have been in the film. He burned his in abonfire out of frustration from theirunreliability….thatwould have been a good scene for perspective. There is nothing wrongin criticizing this film or anyother and I don’tthink Frank had ant malice in his intent…he was just expressing hisopinion. Haven’t you ever had anopinion onanything? Do you have to make a film to have an opinion on one?From: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:newmellotro ngroup@yahoogrou] On Behalf Of skipsnips@aol. com
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 10:07 AM
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film inLondon...Iwould have liked to see the film include...
Perhaps a small section...Theyhave to be in the film...Soif your going to make a movie...Doyou realize that there's video out there...Where'sthe research I ask you? Where is the perspective.Ithink it's really neat that you have opinions, Frank, butsecond-guessing someone who has just completed what obviously was alabor of love is kinda cheap. We're gonna be seeing your film when? Skip-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Brumm <gabru@comsec. net>
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com <newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com>
Sent: Wed, Sep 30, 2009 11:34 am
Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film in London...“Mellotrons should be likeHarleys”……Great analogy Frank!!From: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:newmellotrongroup@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of lsf5275@aol. com
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:14 PM
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron film inLondon...Clay,Beforewe close out this subject, I want to say that some of Chris' pointswere well made. I too think Dianna should have further investigated thebackground a little more. It's not just about Harry Chamberlin orChilton & his partner Irving Talentmaker. There's so much more...Iwould have liked to see the film include more on what lead up to usingrecording tape to play back other peoples instruments. Perhaps a smallsectio n explaining how recording tape stores and plays back sound.Actually, I've always wondered how they get the oxide to stick to thetape. Oh, and how the oxide was invented... who thought that up?When onethinks about Harry Chamberlin, who doesn't wonder about that garagewhere he made his first instruments. Who built the garage? Did Harry'swife (Ethel) ever yell at him to stop fooling with his inventions andwash up for lunch?AndOptigans... They have to be in the film so that people know that therewas actually a shittier way to reproduce real instrument sounds forplayback on a keyboard than the Mellotron. Where's the fuckingperspective? How else would people actually know that Harry'stechnology reached its pinnacle with the Mellotron and that anyattempts to advance beyond that were just a giant nosedive into a pileof crap.Godlove the M4000, but it is, after all just a brand new Edsel with abetter motor, stickier tires and a substantially larger trunk (boot). ∗Soif your going to make a movie about Mellotron, fuck Kanye, tell us moreabout something important, like how Harry Chamberlin came up with theidea to house the mechanics in a Formica box years before Jimmy Moorestole the idea for his Mellotron.WasMattel the only toy maker to try to build a crappy Mellotron rip off,or was Hasbro thinking of getting into the business as well? Where'sthe research I ask you? Where is the perspective.Doyou realize that there's video out there of Mattias Olsen playing wineglasses on his Mellotron? Where does anyone thank Ben F∗∗king Franklinfor actually playing music on real wine glasses 250 years beforeMattias even existed? Where's the perspective?Mellotronsshould be like Harleys... Only old fuckers should have one.FrankMyMellotronMyHarley (Yeah, it's a Shovel Head)∗I love mine so no one freak out.Ina message dated 9/29/2009 10:42:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, ecclesreinson@ rogers.comwrites:---In newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com,Chris Dale wrote:
> You're lucky I'm not the moderator here. Your sneaky dishonest asswould be gone.
I am BORED to death with this story Chris. Please take your issue withMattias offline. Nobody gives a shit about it here but you.
I will not be removing anyone from this group. Mattias is welcome topost messages here anytime. Hopefully you haven't frightened him away.