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That was better than the chocolate chip scone I just had for breakfast.
--- In, lsf5275@... wrote:
> Clay,
> Before we close out this subject, I want to say that some of Chris' points
> were well made. I too think Dianna should have further investigated the
> background a little more. It's not just about Harry Chamberlin or Chilton &
> his partner Irving Talentmaker. There's so much more...
> I would have liked to see the film include more on what lead up to using
> recording tape to play back other peoples instruments. Perhaps a small
> section explaining how recording tape stores and plays back sound. Actually, I've
> always wondered how they get the oxide to stick to the tape. Oh, and how
> the oxide was invented... who thought that up?
> When one thinks about Harry Chamberlin, who doesn't wonder about that
> garage where he made his first instruments. Who built the garage? Did Harry's
> wife (Ethel) ever yell at him to stop fooling with his inventions and wash up
> for lunch?
> And Optigans... They have to be in the film so that people know that there
> was actually a shittier way to reproduce real instrument sounds for
> playback on a keyboard than the Mellotron. Where's the fucking perspective? How
> else would people actually know that Harry's technology reached its pinnacle
> with the Mellotron and that any attempts to advance beyond that were just a
> giant nosedive into a pile of crap.
> God love the M4000, but it is, after all just a brand new Edsel with a
> better motor, stickier tires and a substantially larger trunk (boot). ∗
> So if your going to make a movie about Mellotron, fuck Kanye, tell us more
> about something important, like how Harry Chamberlin came up with the idea
> to house the mechanics in a Formica box years before Jimmy Moore stole the
> idea for his Mellotron.
> Was Mattel the only toy maker to try to build a crappy Mellotron rip off,
> or was Hasbro thinking of getting into the business as well? Where's the
> research I ask you? Where is the perspective.
> Do you realize that there's video out there of Mattias Olsen playing wine
> glasses on his Mellotron? Where does anyone thank Ben F∗∗king Franklin for
> actually playing music on real wine glasses 250 years before Mattias even
> existed? Where's the perspective?
> Mellotrons should be like Harleys... Only old fuckers should have one.
> Frank
> My Mellotron
> My Harley (Yeah, it's a Shovel Head)
> ∗ I love mine so no one freak out.
> In a message dated 9/29/2009 10:42:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ecclesreinson@... writes:
> --- In _newmellotrongroup@newmellotronnew_
> ( , Chris Dale wrote:
> > You're lucky I'm not the moderator here. Your sneaky dishonest ass would
> be gone.
> I am BORED to death with this story Chris. Please take your issue with
> Mattias offline. Nobody gives a shit about it here but you.
> I will not be removing anyone from this group. Mattias is welcome to post
> messages here anytime. Hopefully you haven't frightened him away.
> Clay