Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Mellotron Group

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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Mellotron/Clavia samples

Date: 2007-12-07

In a message dated 12/6/2007 6:22:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
This is a fallacy.  Just what are all these problems other than those created by not being maintained at reasonable intervals?  M400s are reliable but they need looking after just like your mower, washing machine, car, medical appliance and Braun Automatic! (that's probably a washing machine - ed.)
Martin is correct. Mellotrons are not supposed to have problems. There are not supposed to be "wobblies" or stuck notes. A proper Mellotron should pull the tapes through and deliver the sounds as intended. The character of a Mellotron comes from its electronics, not its mechanicals.
Frank II

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