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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] King Crimson.. A treat!

From: Mark Pring <>
Date: 2009-08-21

The vinyl version is wonderful, I have the 1989 remastered CD which sounds awful, I assume they did a much better job on the 30th anniversary edition but having paid twice, I am not paying again even if they would come and do it live in my living room!

--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Mike Dickson <> wrote:

From: Mike Dickson <>
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] King Crimson.. A treat!
Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 10:14 AM


Yes. I'm 'sure' as well.

The 1969 Island vinyl sounds great still. The 30th anniversary CD isslightly better.

That'll do

kinchmusic@aol. com wrote:

Released towards the end of the year. Is what I'm sure will bethe definitive release of In the Court of the Crimson King.
Includes a new 5.1 mix taken from the original session tapes!  Ithink this set will be awesome, as going back to those original sessiontapes mean that the mix will effectively be sourced from more than theoriginal 8 tracks would have allowed, with far fewer track bounces, andtherefore less tape hiss and distortion.
I just hope they don't compress the S∗∗t out of the final mix asseems to be the norm nowadays, sadly.
Loads of extra goodies too!
Very excited.
Andy K.
"Red" and "Lizard" 5.1 also on the way.

-- Mike Dickson, EdinburghFree Music Project: http://www.mikedick Or http://www.last. fm/music/ Mike+DicksonOr http://soundcloud. com/mikedicksonOr http://www.planetme revd4.htm# mikedickson