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> Ohhhhh!
> Sorry, you have to go over to the "I don't have a real Mellotron" group.
> Or... I could sell you a nicely restored one and then you can joyously
> claim ownership. Also, as a Mellotron owning member of this list you
> get to make any outrageous you wish without fear of repercussion. And,
> if you actually ∗own∗ a Mellotron, you get a special password that
> lets you learn the amazing secrets that all real Mellotron owners know
> but aren't allowed to share with non owners, and you get the Real
> Mellotron Owners monthly newsletter.
> Frank
> In a message dated 8/15/2009 2:17:51 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> I use several Kurzweils, an Emu Vintage Keys module, and
> occasionally a plugin or two as my trons. I don’t have an actual
> Mellotron