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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] off topic: my new band photo

Date: 2009-08-14

How about, "The Doddyrers?"
In a message dated 8/14/2009 10:35:24 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

we'll take suggestion!

some contenders:

Frank Doddy and the Rednecks
The Crackers
Woodshop Legends
MC Framing Hammer
Accordian to Who?
Shotglass in the Dark

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Daily <pocotron@yahoo. com>
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Fri, Aug 14, 2009 12:45 am
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] off topic: my new band photo

That shop must be a great spot to jam!
I trust your ensemble has a clever name...or else one of us will surely think of one!
  -Bruce D.

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] off topic: my new band photo [1 Attachment]
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 3:40 PM

My father, my Uncle Phil, me and my brother Pat rehearsing in my Dad's woodshop.  Notice the shotglass on the tablesaw...
