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>one of these
> Hi Rawl,
> IMHO there's nothing wrong with using samples if you don't have
> beast in your studio ;agreed, not the same as the real thing,Pinder
> but the most logical alternative.
> Samplecollections come in all sizes and shapes, from great ( "Mike
> Presents..." from Mellotron Archives ) to reasonable ( "M-Tron" )too crazy
> to awful ( "Legendary M400 CDrom" ).
> I've used an EMU vintage keys unit during gigs and recordings.Not
> about the sound.I think they stretch 1 ( looped ) sample overthree keys or
> something.Even more, it's stretched beyong the natural range ofthe Tron.
> Cheers, H
> _____
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Rawl
> Sent: woensdag 5 december 2007 0:09
> To:
> Subject: [newmellotrongroup] Blasphemous Request for an opinion
> I know most of you are fortunate enough to OWN one of these great
> instruments but since I don't at the moment own one myself I would
> like to get the next best thing in the form of a sample library.
> The thought of using a sample library instead of the real thing
> might sound Blasphemous to any Mellotron owner/purist but not all
> us are lucky enough to own a piece of musical history and since Iwould
> truly love the unique characteristic sound of a Mellotron and
> like to be able to employ it in some of my sequenced compositions,a
> sample library is the only way I will be able to get even closefor
> Anyway, I would really like an opinion from anyone in the group on
> Emu's Mellotron (Vintage X Pro Vol 2) sample library if anyone is
> familiar with it. Or, if there is a suggestion for a better sample
> library than Emu's for use with Emulator X which can read most
> sample formats.
> So please, I am asking the group of folks most likely to be able
> render a truly expert opinion. What would you suggest? (Be gentle)
> Sincerely,
> Rawl