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> Awesome, John. I printed out your comments and will use them as a
> checklist. Thanks!
> -Dan
> On Jun 25, 2009, at 11:45 PM, john barrick wrote:
>> The headblock is the piece with all the playback heads on it. It moves
>> laterally when you turn the track selector knob from a to b to c. I
>> just tied mine down with a couple of bread twistys. You'll want to
>> bring along a 1/2" inch socket wrench to remove the feet. The bolt
>> heads are sunk about two inches into the bottom of the feet. If you have
>> enough room, you obviously don't need to mess with it. It should lay
>> down on its back just fine - mine did. I think Ken Leonard transported
>> his that way in his Accura hatchback. One thing about the keyboard.
>> After you wrap it up, lay it down flat upside down (keys down, pressure
>> pads up) as you don't want to bend the pressure pad arms.
>> Playing without a spill box lid is inviting trouble. I've left it off
>> accidentally before, and tapes tend to stick (not return properly) and
>> sometimes they don't even go into the spill box but pile up on top
>> instead, which is just asking for a snag or tangle. You should be able
>> to acquire one from Streetly or Mellotron Archives, or I believe that at
>> least one person on the list has made a couple.
>> And while driving, allow yourself the luxury of imaging that other
>> drivers are wondering whether or not you're carrying a Mellotron in the
>> back.
>> best,
>> john barrick
>> PS - I also found it convenient to remove the tape frame, wrap it up in
>> a sheet or blanket and lay it down flat also.
>> DaSwans wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > Okay. Dumb noob question: Which part exactly is the head block?
>> >
>> > Thanks for the dimensions and the tip about taking off the feet. I'll
>> > probably lay it down on it's back. Anything else I need to know about
>> > transporting it? It does have it's original protect-o-muff (tron
>> > bondage). That should protect the lovely brushed on latex paint job it
>> > received at some point.
>> >
>> > How important is the tape box cover (the aluminum thing that the tapes
>> > roll into when they're played)? I see it missing in a lot of pictures
>> > and the tron I'm buying is missing it. It seems like one could be made
>> > relatively easily (unless, of course, somebody out there has a spare).
>> > I'm sure the cover will be the least of my problems, however. I'm just
>> > thinking out loud and taking mental inventory of the project ahead.
>> >
>> >