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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Larry Fast Nearfest 2008

From: jeffrey coulter <>
Date: 2009-06-23

best wishes for your wife's quick and thorough recovery.
yeah - it was dennis' name that was missing.

it was an amazing weekend with both highlights and lowlights.
van der graaf made an unbeleivable amount of sound for being just a trio.
i think you'll dig thier show.


ps cabeza de cera is coming to the cd area - catch them if you can!:

--- On Mon, 6/22/09, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Larry Fast Nearfest 2008
Date: Monday, June 22, 2009, 7:45 AM

This year, Dennis Haley, who was the lead keyboard tech for the first ten years, could not make it so Jim Rezek (Iluvatar) took his place. I was supposed to be Jim's 2nd tech, but my wife is ill and I could not leave her for 4 days. So at the last minute, Alan Brunel took my place. I will be back on the crew next year. There would not have been any Mellotrons this year, anyway, as none of the bands requested one.
So how was the show?
I will at least get to see VdGG at the State Theater in Falls Church, VA on the 24th.
In a message dated 6/22/2009 2:06:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

i just got back from this year's nearfest.
literally - like a half an hour ago.
i didn't see a mellotron anywhere [though i heard a roland keyboard with mellotron sounds being employed by, i think, two different bands], and it looks like there is a new crew of keyboard techs, though i imagine bill fox was part of previous crews since he's from the  allentown/bethlehem area...

so were you there frank, and did you provide anything?

i only saw one minimoog [but a couple moog voyagers and little phattys] on stage for the last band, PFM from italy. it was an awesome set of bands, with a couple less than awesome bands - one standout was a band from mexico that just blew everyone away:
cabezas de sera

really talented... really interesting. .. the surprise of the weekend for everyone i knew there.

okay... i'm freaking tired... g'nite... jeff

--- On Sun, 6/21/09, lsf5275@aol. com <lsf5275@aol. com> wrote:

From: lsf5275@aol. com <lsf5275@aol. com>
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Larry Fast Nearfest 2008
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 12:50 AM

Yeah, but he put on an amazing show and he's a hell of a nice guy. I think he's showed up at nearly every NEARfest I've been to (`03-08) and he generally just hangs out with the fans between sets. I couldn't go this year even though I was hired to work backstage because my wife is not well. Still, I imagine he'll be there.
I don't begrudge him the software sequencer, nor do I begrudge him the sampled Tron. His entire stage rig fit in the trunk of his car. What's not to like?
In a message dated 6/20/2009 11:20:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, kornowicz@cox. net writes:

The heathen!

--- In newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com, lsf5275@... wrote:
> I was there. He does.
> In a message dated 6/20/2009 8:55:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> ecclesreinson@ ... writes:
> Did anyone in this group go to Nearfest last year?
> Check out LF's rig. I don't see a hardware sequencer. He likely uses a
> software sequencer these days.
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