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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Rights of Original Mellotron Musicians

Date: 2009-05-22

In a message dated 22/05/2009 02:12:19 GMT Standard Time, writes:
I also wonder about sections of popular music that
> used actual Mellotron performances (like the beginning Spanish guitar
> run in Bungalow Bill).
The argument goes that in this particular case, the Beatles made the first significant use of the phrase in popular music and can therefore claim copyright.  This was brought up when Julian Cope used it in a song and then subsequently deleted it not wishing to face the might of EMI and Northern Songs' lawyers.  Money wins even the shakiest of claims and Julian knew that his reserves were not large enough although he may have won!
Streetly Electronics - All Things Mellotronic

US Sales East: Jimmy Moore

US Sales West: Paul Cox pjc56@earthlink