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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Birotron stuff

From: Chris Dale <>
Date: 2009-04-15

Hi Frank:
I haven't read anything in order yet but thanks for giving me a rundown. I'll read the posts in order tonight. Geez - I've been away in BC for 2 months and I return to this?  Wow!!
It doesn't sound like the Dave Biro I know. He was always jovial with me and very private about the Birotron story, but I suppose it could be if he was riled by something.  Is the guy still on the list? Maybe it's someone else who worked there?
Well if everyone believes in and stands by their opinions, then no one should have to apologize for them. We're all adults and were free to disagree from time to time. I'd say the history of the list is rife with "ex - zamples"!!
But yes, we do have to be careful how we word things though. F∗∗∗ing Tact is always best mutha f∗∗∗a .  : - )   Gawddamned Mutha F∗∗∗in' Cabin Fever it could - specially he-ya in da noeth of Kanada!!
But a bigger concern and the real point we're here - if we collectively don't support these instruments, share resources, and help each other out - we doom them to extinction. That's how I feel about all of them now.
Sample libraries are not a replacement for the sound, feel, electronic smell, or sight of the real thing, just as these things aren't replacements for an orchestra.
Okay lecture over - Now I'm goin to slap ma bitch and spank mah monkey!
 Word to y'all :)
Later dudes!:)
On 4/14/09, <> wrote:

Boy, that's unfortunate. Whoever trondave is (Will Davis), he could have rebutted in a more constructive manner. To outright call someone a liar and then to state categorically that no one in the entire Universe who has ever played a Birotron would ever think the action is poor is a pretty broad claim. He then recommended that we Google Birotron keyboard action. That's just plain weird. I don't think anyone on this list owes trondave an apology. Perhaps he might readdress his feelings here and tell us what he knows, thereby supporting his position as he (and I) challenged Mike to do (and which he did), then we can move on.
Should we all chalk this one up to cabin fever?
Last thought. Perhaps Martin can ask Ryo why he is selling it.
In a message dated 4/14/2009 8:37:38 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
If  (is it Will Davis?) is actually Dave Biro, knowing him as I do, I can personally guarantee that you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, hear the complete beginning to end Birotron story from him on this list - even if apologies are made. He'll never share it if the exchange here is as bad as it ∗appears∗ to be, and that he'll probably request I say no more about Birotrons here as well.

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