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Subject: Re: Top 10 Worst Keyboards

From: "Tony Swettenham" <>
Date: 2007-12-03

--- In, kinchmusic@... wrote:

> I don't know, it was a pile of poo.
> BUT, I forgot, and so it appears did everyone else here, to vote
for the
> Polymoog!
> Those who know what I have here will know that I am one of Moogs
> fans, but imagine my disappointment when I got this baby
home...trouble from day
> one. Bad key contacts, rubbish sound. Yet I remember some the
> Imagine a Minimoog under each key. Yeah Right! Top of my list, and
should be
> for every one here.
> Andy K
> My revised list...
> 1. Polymoog.
> 2. Solina
> 3. Vako Orchestron
> 4. Moog Opus 3
> 5. Arp Omni 2

Speaking of keyboards left off the list so far, another one I'd add to
both the best AND worst is the Sequential Pro-One. I absolutely ∗love
it to bits∗ for its sounds, its power, its versatility, and just about
everything about it BUT with one very big and notable exception: in my
experience the actual keyboard itself is one of the most unreliable
heaps of old tripe imaginable (apparently this is a common problem on
Pro-Ones). All too often when I've used it I've had to take it apart
to put switch cleaner on the key contacts just to stop random notes
from farting and burping (or in some cases almost dying altogether)!

Tony S