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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: BJH - Canada

Date: 2009-02-07

I actually have a MA tape frame. It works just fine. Markus gives you lots of extra tape and a slightly longer frame but you can pull them tight. You have to tell him that it's for a 400 so the tape azimuth is right, but I've found his frame to be very nice. To be honest, the original or Streetly frames are a bit easier and seem looser, but to be fair, Markus makes a very nice product. But to also be fair, I would have to say that if the investment was the same, I would prefer the Streetly frame. No offense to you Markus, you're an incredible craftsman. If the dollar/pound  deal was bad, I would seriously think about the difference. I may order a Streetly frame and tapes soon. If they have held their prices, they would get my business.
So to Markus I would say that I would buy another frame from you. However, I like the fact that Streetly has advanced frame technology. But then again, Markus makes an exceptional tape frame box.
In a message dated 2/6/2009 5:27:48 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I'll bet it's actually aluminium...
On a more serious note, I seem to recall from a while back that M400 frames fit into MK VI models, but MK VI frames are a bit too large for an M400.  Anyone else remember that?


Odd, mine is made of aluminum.

--- On Sat, 2/7/09, ceccles_ca <ecclesreinson@> wrote:
From: ceccles_ca <ecclesreinson@>
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] Re: BJH - Canada
To: newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Saturday, February 7, 2009, 9:35 AM

I have a Streetly M400 tape frame in a Mark VI and it fits fine....and
it's built like a brick shit house.


--- In newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com, Mark Pring <markpringnz@ ...>
> Does that mean that the M400 tape rack won't fit in a Mark VI and
vice versa?

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