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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Top 10 Worst Keyboards

From: "mellotronist" <>
Date: 2007-12-03

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Just because people still use a familiar
sound can't be conflated into the instrument being great, and of course
"crappy is relative." A lot of people on this list think Chamberlins suck,
but Mellotronists still use an original Chamberlin sound most of the time.
This entire survey is posited around personal opinion, there have been no
criteria set for the good keyboard vs. bad keyboard determinations to begin

> That's a good argument, but you don't see DX7 piano on a basic Nord
> Lead sound set. Or look at the Electro series, Expensive, high end pro
> oriented gear built wih Roms with the original sounds. Crappy is
> relative: Rhodes have heavy action, Vakos have no action, clavs break
> strings, electrolytics fail often in Arps. Great is relative: Do
> people still want, nay, crave the sound 10, 20 years later.