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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Mellotrons Live vs Studio

Date: 2009-02-05

This one crops up on a regular basis.:
Mark Pring wrote:
> Just listening to some live Moody Blues track on Last FM, well
> actually Melancholy Man. Just got me thinking of the difference
> between the live and studio sound of the mellotron. I much prefer the
> live sound, not knowing much about recording, what do they do them in
> the recording studio to take most of the life out of them?
> Mark
Pinder rolled off all the top end, sent the MKII through speakers in a room which was then miked up and the sound then went to an EMT plate on a particularly wet setting.  He did lots of overdubs and judicious footpedal work for his definitive sweeping effect.  Apart from the pedal work, the rest can't be imitated on stage easily, hence the rawness live.
Streetly Electronics - All Things Mellotronic

US Sales East: Jimmy Moore

US Sales West: Paul Cox pjc56@earthlink