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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] off topic but important

From: "paul" <>
Date: 2009-01-22

Here are the details I was given. I know they are currently in use in many pubs, usually as a result of residents have complaining about noise, so the sound levels from the AV system are reduced when overall noise level in the premises reaches a certain level;
It has been broug ht to our atten tion that new noise legis latio n is about to be intro duced that is likel y to virtu ally destr oy live music in the UK.

The gover nment wish to consi der it a legal requi remen t in the new tax year to intro duce laws insis ting anyon e apply ing or re- apply ing for an enter tainm ent licen ce must have a noise contr ol devic e fitte d to the venue .
This will be the final nail in the coffi n for prett y much ALL enter tainm ent in the UK as the level at which these devic es cut the power off is ridiculous ly low.

In our exper ience any venue that has one in use canno t have any elect ric music as the power is const antly being cut mid- song - and even loud appla use at the end of a song can cut it.

Venue s are suffe ring enoug h as it is witho ut being force d to go to the expen se of fitti ng one of these damne d thing s.
 Noise limit ers are a menac e to live music and we expec t this is the brigh t idea of some unele cted suit in Bruss els that' s never been to a gig in their life'.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jon
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] off topic but important

What are "noise limiters?"
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Jones
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:44 PM
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] off topic but important

Sorry this is off topic, but I hope everyone will agree it's important
to us all. If anyone hasn't heard of this plan to force all UK live
music venues to have noise limiters fitted, the last day for signing
the petition on number 10 website is tomorrow 23rd.
I only heard of all this just now in an email from The Robin music
venue in Bilston.
Like most European directives it'll no doubt be nodded through by our
govenment, so you might like to sign to oppose it. Over 80,000 have so
http://petitions. number10. ntrol