Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Mellotron Group
Subject: Damage after the last gig
From: thomasooo2003 <>
Date: 2009-01-19
Hi folks,
now something more serious, unfortunatly.
During the last gig, or to be precise, before the concert, one of the speakers crashed into
the direction of my keyboards, hitting the left front side of the M400. At first glance
everything was OK, but at the soundcheck I recognized that the volume knob was a bit
»stiff« and didn't worked at all. I mean, there was still a signal, and with the volume pedal
I was able to control the volume. But today back in the rehearsing room the signal slowly
faded away, came back for a moment, than nothing.
Short question: can someone tell me the technical specifications of the potentiometer (or
»pot« as it seems to be nearly the same word as in German...) behind the volume knob? Is
it hard to find? Some strange British 1960's part, nowadays hard to find? (I hope not).
And by the way, anyone selling spare parts as the original ON/OFF-knob or track-selector
(my one is a bit damaged and it's a bit of struggle to get the right track position...).
And how much is the price for the new recorded 5-track (or 6 track???) tapes from
Streetly? The EuroPound exchange rate is nice for us here in Euroland :-)
Thanks for help in advance!