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Subject: Re: ebay tapeframe

From: "Bernie" <>
Date: 2008-12-11


I recently kind of sold one on eBay for $560 and another for $580. I
say "kind of" because the buyer has yet to pay me. I think he's
probably a deadbeat and I'll have to relist them. Anyway, the
starting bids were more than this one. What does a new frame with
tapes go for nowadays?


--- In, Mark Wallis
<markstuartwallis@...> wrote:
> Hi folks, just wondered if you'd seen this..Seems a little pricey
for a tapeframe.. no offence meant if you're the seller.ebay item no-
120346962639PS. I recently got hold of a brand new Streetly frame-
a lovely piece of work indeed!Love and Scones,MSW xx
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