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Subject: Re: Worst Keyboards

From: "leetronhead" <>
Date: 2007-12-01

My fav keyboards
Alesis QS 7.1
Alesis QS 8.1
Korg Radias
Korg MS 200B (didn't see any comments on this one...full size keys)
Mini Moog
Korg Triton
Vox Continental Single Keyboard (still have from '66) (runs thru
Hammond Leslie)
Yamaha GX 1
Bosendorfer Baby Grand ('s cool tho...okay,
fire me from "The List")
The JK MK6 (cheated again...not mine...and another Tron)

My Least Favorites
My Tron before Professor Korb fixed it
Lee M400 #541

--- In, Rick Blechta <rick@...>
> On Dec 1, 2007, at 1:45 PM, Mattias wrote:
> > Hey hey,
> >
> > Must be better to do the list with synths people have experience
> > from otherwise it's just some weird catalogue list thing right ?
> >
> > My no order..
> >
> > Mellotrons
> > Yamaha GX-1
> > Mini Moog
> > Moog Taurus pedals
> > Vako Orchestron
> > Mattel Optigan
> > Chilton Talentmaker
> > Schiedmayer Celeste
> > Stylophone 350s
> > Arp Pro-soloist
> I'm with Matthias. How can you meaningfully rate something if you
> haven't played it yourself, good or bad? Just because Clay tells
> that if he had to be limited to only one keyboard in the whole
> world it would HAVE to be a Solina String Synth, does that mean I
> have to vote for it, too? (I have heard reliable rumors from a
> in the Green Party that he feels this way.)
> Rick