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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] "New" CDs

From: zappaboggs <>
Date: 2008-11-08


What gear were you playing at the time???  And what was the sound???  I ask because Amazon recommended this disc if I purchased Charisma ...


When did you pick up #310???


"But when you think of me tune in the frequency, Come out and play come out and play"
...Gandalf Murphy and The Slambovian Circus of Dreams

"Nothing can change the shape of things to come."
...Max Frost
"Any talent that we are born with eventually surfaces as a need"
...Marsha Sinetar

From: Bernie <>
Sent: Friday, November 7, 2008 12:24:29 PM
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] "New" CDs

Imagine my surprise when, while browsing eBay, I found out that the 2
albums I recorded with my band Charisma in 1969/1970 have been released
on CD!! No Mellotron in those days, though.

http://tinyurl. com/5vc4pm

http://tinyurl. com/6frdlh
