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Subject: Re: New file uploaded to newmellotrongroup

From: "Bernie" <>
Date: 2008-08-10

Mark, it sounds good to me, very smooth. Are you trying to replicate
Woolly's sound via EQ? Do you like the sound of the un-EQ'd strings?

Can you upload a clip of the split choir? I'm mainly curious about the
range of the female side.


--- In, Mark Pring <markpringnz@...>
> Warning! If you are of a nervous disposition, please do not venture
beyond this point. However, this may be just the thing you need! 
"Woolly Wolstenholme"
> Just played it back, I haven't done a good job on equalising it, if
you dare play it, please make sure the volume is turned down to
protect your ears and any passing cats. All dogs shoulld be provided
with ear defenders.
> Any helpful comments would be appreciated, the E above middle C is
particularly troublesome, I can only get it to play reliably with the
pinch roller screwed almost all the way down, I'm hoping that a new
pinch roller will sort that.
> Otherwise I need a new motor controller card and possibly a new
motor, the new tape frame is being held hostage by NZ customs, its:
> A) Split choir
> B) Mark II flute
> C) M300a 2 violins
> Cheers
> Mark
> PS I am easily pleased.
> --- On Sun, 8/10/08,
<> wrote:
> From:
> Subject: [newmellotrongroup] New file uploaded to newmellotrongroup
> To:
> Date: Sunday, August 10, 2008, 11:35 AM
> Hello,
> This email message is a notification to let you know that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the newmellotrongroup
> group.
> File : /Mark/Doodle. mp3
> Uploaded by : markpringnz <markpringnz@>
> Description : For anyone interested this is what #1565 sounds like
now. This is the old tape set Mark II strings, still a lot to do but
it will have to wait until next year as I've run out of money. I think
it sounds better than M-tron.
> You can access this file at the URL:
> http://groups. group/newmellotr ongroup/files/
Mark/Doodle. mp3
> To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit:
> http://help. l/us/yahoo/ groups/original/ members/web/
> Regards,
> markpringnz <markpringnz@>