--- In
newmellotrongroup@ yahoogroups. com, Rick Blechta <rick@...>
> On Aug 9, 2008, at 7:19 AM, Mark Pring wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> > Re Sandy Denny, I think she did have a lot of off days and
> > her heavy smoking pretty much wrecked her voice in later years,
> > ( not that there were many of them, she died 30 years ago this
> > year ) but on a good day she did have a very expressive voice, I
> > think "The banks of the Nile" from the Fotheringay album would be
> > good example.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > PS How about Janet Baker, Elizabeth Schwarzkopf, Kathleen
> > and Christa Ludwig?
> Hey, folks, I don't think there's a singer on the planet who can
> good from a low G to a high F. That's the real issue: not whether
> can sing three octaves, but whether they can sing the three
> needed for a mellotron.
> I have heard one tenor sing a high F and he sounded like a chicken
> being strangled. As for women, Mozart's Queen of the Night aria in
> first act of The Magic Flute (Martin's favourite opera) has to
> some high F's, for example, but these singing specialists
> sopranos) generally sound pretty poor on low Gs.
> Rick
Isn't the Female Choir just 2 octaves? I think even the Chamberlin
Solo Female Voice is less than 3 octaves.