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Subject: Re: The Word / OM

From: "thinkingalouduk" <>
Date: 2008-07-22

I'm replying to my own posts now...

Going back to The Word, here's a scored version. No guarantees it's note perfect, but I
played it in parallel with the original and it seems to fit quite well. There are no bars in
the original, so I've grouped each chord phrase into a bar for clarity. Tempo varies! Add
tons of reverb and judicious use of volume pedal.

(Also in the original, it's in stereo, with one part lagging behind the other a little in places,
giving some interesting intermediate sounds.) The last chord isn't heard in the original
album version.


--- In, "thinkingalouduk" <owen@...> wrote:
> For a short time only...
> Owen
> --- In, Hessel Herder <hessel@> wrote:
> >
> > Have you rerecorded,would love to hear it! : )
> >
> > Cheers,H
> >> (managed "Out and In" a year or so ago, which was fun).
> >> O