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----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Pring" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:47 AM
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] Busking with mellotrons
> Anybody have any experience with busking with a
> mellotron, I have thought of putting castors on #1565,
> 2 12 volt batteries one for the tron and one for a
> small guitar amp. Will need some kind of transformer.
> Has this been done? The streets of Wellington await, I
> should be able to compete with blanketman and
> superstion man on Courtney Place. Beats work.
> Mark
Have you still got those mental young blood'n'thunder preachers at the
bottom of Cuba St.? Had a wonderful row with them late one evening last time
I was over. We came to an eventual disagreement, I shook their hands and
asked them where I could get a meal that time of night. And they told me.
:-) Oh, you WERE one of those... :-))
Andy T.