Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Mellotron Group

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Subject: RE: [newmellotrongroup] Your favorite Mellotron song...?

From: "Thomas C. Doncourt" <>
Date: 2008-03-22

I have always loved " Lost in a Lost World "from Seventh Sojourn and the
tron arrangement to the acoustic section of "The Question" on a Question
of Balance. The chamberlin oboe and panning strings on "Lost" really do it
for me! Beyond that just about any King Crimson song with mellotron.
I like the 3violins and Hackett solo section on "Firth of Fifth" from
"Selling England by the Pound" alot.
> I was wondering.what do you guys listen to, that demonstrates the
> 'Tron's capabilities?
> Some of you could probably mention a number of things that would be
> interesting for the rest of us to look into..since this group has
> insight into the instrument, and what has been recorded over the years.
> A.) What is your favorite song that uses the Mellotron (or Chamberelin)
> .the one that really hooked you.
> Old or new.doesn't matter.
> B.) What is your favorite Mellotron riff.the one you just had to learn
> how to play - or , would love to play?
> Jim
> ._,___