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Subject: RE: [Norton AntiSpam] Re: [newmellotrongroup] SACD or DVD-A

From: "Pomeroy Ranch" <>
Date: 2008-03-21

Yes –I remember hearing the earlier mono recording (with the spoken passages in thefront of each movement for Sinfonia Antarctica) – lush performance, butsonically unfortunate – especially interesting tho’ because RVW wasthere during the recordings.


I agree about the parallel betweeninterest in classical and prog – I especially think the more pastoralsounding stuff like MB, BJH, Renaissance, Strawbs, etc.



I think the earlier Decca mono ones were better in
interpretation but not sound quality. EMI were at
their peak around then, I have a copy of Barbirolli
conducting Mahler's 6th which has wonderful, alas I
longer like Mahler much.

Interesting that so many of the members of the list
like classical and romantic music, my interest in
classical music developped in parallel with that in
progressive rock, I wonder if people who like
progressive rock music are more likely to like
classical music?


> Bring back vinyl! My favourite recordings were
> mostly
> classical records recorded by EMI in the 60's
> haven't
> heard anything to compare since and all the advances
> in recording technology seem to be steps backwards
> to
> me.
> Mark

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