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Subject: Sound quality of CD's

From: "steve_tebble" <>
Date: 2008-03-20

Hi Guys,

Has anyone else noticed, or is it just me, how, when you get hold of
a new CD version of an album you've been listening to on vinyl for
years, you start hearing little things you didn't know were there?

Now is it just because the CD can reproduce things the LP couldn't?

Or is it because someone tweaked it to make sure it could?

Or did those 'little things' gradually disappear from the vinyl as it
wore out over time so you forgot them until the CD brought them back

Another strange thing. If I listen to Days Of Future Passed on CD
(digitally remastered, cat. no. 644 767-2, 1997) it sounds different
from the original - and I mean really different, as if different
mixes had been used on some of the tracks. I have all the other
Moodies 'core 7' in the same series but none of them do this. Anyone
want to comment?
