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Subject: More on singers

From: "steve_tebble" <>
Date: 2008-03-18

Great! I thought you'd all bite!

And it's true most lyrics, in any form of music, are pretty awful.
Even the best don't look too good when removed from the song and
placed on the printed page.

No it's singers I hate. Regardless of how good the lyrics are, they
always sound better when left out completely and played by an
instrument other than the human voice.

Other reasons I hate singers:

1 - an extra person on stage to take up space and share our money
2 - invariably the most musically inept member of the band, to whom
timing, tempo and key are alien concepts, and most importantly
3 - always think they're the most important person in the band
although of course the reverse is true.

'Shut up and play your guitar (sorry Mellotron' indeed!

In fact a friend recently asked me what my favourite form of music
was. I replied anything where the lead guitar and Mellotron got
together to drown out the singer. Not sure he understood!
