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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Watcher of the skies

Date: 2008-03-07

In a message dated 07/03/2008 14:24:13 GMT Standard Time, writes:
With all due respect, it takes a little longer than a month to write a symphony, especially if you're doing it by hand. Try many months to several years.
I agree.  I was making the point that very simple music takes bands months to write and record yet a serious composer can collate his/her ideas for a vast number of people to perform in a similar time span and the peice will usually work first time.  And I hate schizophrenic prog that leaps from different styles and time signatures without ever developing an idea to some sort of fruition.  I suspect this pap isn't born out of unbelievable talent and an abundance of creativity, it's more a lack of ability to explore and develop, to go on an excursion and then resolve.
Streetly Electronics - All Things Mellotronic

US Sales East: Jimmy Moore

US Sales West: Paul Cox pjc56@earthlink.