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> Hello everybody,
> As winter approaches here, I think it is time to get
> started on restoring #1565. I am planning to start on
> the keyboard.
> The pinch rollers look in good condition but a lot of
> them are stuck or sticking. I am intend to soak them
> in isopropyl alcohol. I think this can cause problems
> with the rubber of the pinch rollers and that they may
> need to be treated with rubber rejuvenator afterwards.
> New Zealand is a land with 2 mellotrons that I know of
> and very few reel to reel tape recorders, rubber
> rejuvenator is something with which to clean car
> tyres.
> So first of all would car tyre cleaner do the job? I
> suspect not but that is all I can find here so far.
> If not some trade names of products would be helpful
> or a list of ingedients.
> Thanks
> Mark
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