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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] Rubber Rejuvenator

From: Mike Dickson <>
Date: 2008-03-02

Mark -

If you are thinking of using the likes of tyrewall blackener then forget
it. Like any abrasive cleaner this works by wearing the rubber away
rather than rejuvenating it. All very well taking the outside edge from
your tyres, but it may end up causing the pinch rollers to become very
uneven and pitted which would result in some catastrophic wobblies. I'd
avoid it, if I were you.


Mark Pring wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> As winter approaches here, I think it is time to get
> started on restoring #1565. I am planning to start on
> the keyboard.
> The pinch rollers look in good condition but a lot of
> them are stuck or sticking. I am intend to soak them
> in isopropyl alcohol. I think this can cause problems
> with the rubber of the pinch rollers and that they may
> need to be treated with rubber rejuvenator afterwards.
> New Zealand is a land with 2 mellotrons that I know of
> and very few reel to reel tape recorders, rubber
> rejuvenator is something with which to clean car
> tyres.
> So first of all would car tyre cleaner do the job? I
> suspect not but that is all I can find here so far.
> If not some trade names of products would be helpful
> or a list of ingedients.
> Thanks
> Mark
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