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Subject: MkII Station Organ-ization

From: "Bernie" <>
Date: 2008-02-04

I have a few organ questions for those of you who are familiar with
the MkII standard tapes. These are the organs on the MkII right

Station 1C Organ (N 1)
Station 5A Hammond Organ (N 2)
Station 5C Tibia Organ (N 3)
Station 6C Church Organ

Is the Church Organ on the left keyboard, Station 4A the same as the
Station 6C Church Organ?

Is the Reverberated Organ on the left keyboard, Station 5A the same
as the one on the right keyboard, Station 6B of the MkI?

Is the Hammond Organ on Station 5A the same as the M-Tron "Hammond C-
3 Slow Leslie"?

What is the organ on Station 1C? Has it been used in any recordings?

Is the Tibia Organ on Station 5C the organ on King Crimson's Cirkus
and the Moody's Tuesday Afternoon? I'm not really sure if both cuts
are using the same sound because the Tuesday Afternoon sound is not
easy for me to hear.
