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Subject: Re: Light and Tasty and Cat adverts

From: "Bernie" <>
Date: 2007-11-23

--- In, jeffc@... wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Nov 2007, Mark Pring wrote:
> > 2 questions
> > 1)If there any other NZ residents on either list, do
> > you think those are mellotron flutes on the new "Light
> > and Tasty" advert? Or are they real flutes mimicing
> > the arrangement on "Strawberry Fields"?
> can't say - not in NZ.
> [thought peter jackson is currently shooting a new film
> all around me over the past month or so...]
> > 2)Are we all getting pop up cat avderts or just thse
> > of us possesed by cats? Is Yahoo reading our mail like
> > Google?
> >
> > Mark
> you must be reading via web group access or via webmail.
> tip: you may be able to block some popups via your
> browser - as a last resort you can try your "hosts"
> file, but it's for the more advanced user, as you can
> really screw it up and block your own internet access.
> i highly recommend firefox as your browser - it blocks
> at least 90% of the popups i encounter, and the remaining
> i kill via the "hosts" file.
> ...jeff

I kind of like the ad.
