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Subject: Re: [newmellotrongroup] M-Tron Midi Channels

Date: 2007-11-22

On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, john barrick wrote:

> Duh! Yes, you're absolutely correct, Jeff, and thanks for the correction.
> I have this irritating habit of renaming things in my mind, and
> sometimes it ends up crossing over into what I type. I should have
> designated them as CC 95, CC7, CC74, CC73, CC72.
> best,
> john b

no "duh" needed.
i think we all have little "silent but deadly brain farts" from
time to time - i know i have more and more as i get older ;0)


[senility is coming on fast, along with aches and pains in
places i didn't even know i had places...]