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Subject: Re: mike pinder's sound

Date: 2008-01-09

I have been listening to a lot of Moody Blues lately and it seems obvious that Pinder's 3 Violins sound is much mellower than other's, King Crimson for example. Does he mix in other voices into his sound or is it the way his tron is eq'ed? This occurs in both the live and studio recordings.

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-----Original Message-----
From: "jaybe52000" <>

Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2008 16:26:11
Subject: [newmellotrongroup] Re: Empty tape frame

I've got a set of tapes in a box that are from the old DMI days (old DMI Union Jack
Mellotron Label on it). I got it as part of the deal when I bought my RMI Keyboard
Computer II and never got around to racking them and don't want to muck with the tapes
on the two frames in my Mark V.

The box says it's got Violins/Viola/Flute but I'm not really certain that's what they are.
The guy that I got them from said they were "Brand new" but they look like they might be
used so I was thinking the could be an original set with Flute/3-Violins/Cello.

Either way, I'd like to make 'em playable just to see what they are.

As I said in a previous post I've got flute on one of my frames and the 3 violins are on the
other but I don't have cello or viola so that would be nice, especially if they really are a
standard set since i really miss having the cello.


--- In newmellotrongroup@ <>, "Bernie" <kornowicz@...> wrote:
> No empty frame, but out of curiosity, what sounds to you plan on
> installing?
> Bernie
> --- In newmellotrongroup@ <>, "jaybe52000" <jaybe52000@>
> wrote:
> >
> > Anyone got an empty tape frame that they want to sell?
> >
> > Thought I'd ask before ordering from one of our two providers of new
> ones.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > John
> >