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Subject: Re: Mark V owners

From: "ceccles_ca" <>
Date: 2008-01-05

--- In, "jaybe52000"
<jaybe52000@...> wrote:
> I realized I'd never asked on the old list or this one how many
members own a Mark V like
> myself?
> I know Professor Korb brought Pat Moraz' modified Mark V "Novatron"
back to life, and I've
> seen pics of the studio in Japan that has a Mark V with a Birotron
sitting on top.
> I know from our friend Ken Leonard that Pierre Veilleux also owned a
Mark V at one point in
> time but he no longer has it if I recall correctly.
> John

Allen Duffy owns a MK V. It is a Novatron. (He says that it was
Oscar Peterson's). Jon Salley has the Pat Moraz Novatron MK V. Mark
Glinsky had Pinder's Novatron MK V and sold it to a collector in Italy.

There were about 31 MK V's built. 28(?) were Mellotrons and 3 of them
were Novatrons. Looks like all 3 Novatron MK V's are accounted for.

