"I'm located in Dallas, TX here in the US. No, I don't
wear a cowboy hat or rope cattle"
hehe, "beers, steers and queers", i actually have a cousin in the army in Ft.
Hood texas.....i guess i should mention where im from duh...
I'm originally from Cincinnati, Ohio that is, but i go to school at Columbia
College Chicago now in the 3rd largest city in the US, and my school is ∗the∗
largest film/video school in the world :-) heh...im a computer animation
major (part the film program)....I plan on relocating to San Francisco when i
get done with school, let's hope that actually happens ∗crosses fingers∗...
"Sweden here...... north of Europe for those of you who didnt get high
grades i geography.
woah, you arent the swedish guy on my list-bot for teknologikal mindphuk are
Destroying America's moral fibre for over 20 years.