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Subject: RE: [AN1x] Ribbon Controller

From: "Ed Edwards" <edward.edwards@...>
Date: 2005-08-29

This rant is so weird it will take a while to determine what this guy wants.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of daniel_8887
> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 7:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [AN1x] Ribbon Controller
> Hi AN1x Group!
> Is there a possibility to disable this Ribbon Controller on
> the left side?
> I play for a while and then the sound gets like interrupted (short,
> without release) till I press some times the Ribbon (I heard that I
> have to press on the right side-above) and then I can play for a
> while till it comes again. And again, and again....
> I thought this machine is made for live performance? Pressing always
> the Ribbon like a mad (making brzz, brzzz) to get the sound back????
> How would this look like?
> This is an analog synth, where I am never a slave of the sound.
> Playing digital is always being a slave of the sound (played an E4
> for a long time). Digital are boring and straightforward.
> I bought this analog synth to have a grip on the sound. And now
> this :-(
> It looks like that some, or one technician made this brzzz, brzzz
> feature intentionally. This is destroying the whole system.
> Thanks in advance for suggestions to stop this unnecessary feature.
> Best Regards,
> Daniel Mandic
> P.S. Sounds better than ANY digital synth.
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