Enter your vote today! Check out the new poll for the AN1x-list
Which features of this synth's sound
architecture are the coolest for you?
What drags you back to the blue box to
tweak some more (let me know if I have
missed anything):
o Scene morphing
o Self oscillating filter
o Resonant filter sweeps
o Free EG modulations
o Matrix Modulations
o LFO modulations
o Oscillator Sync
o Multi-Effects
o Pitch EG
o Feedback & noise
o Ring Modulator
o Oscillator Edge
o Pulse width modulation
o Frequency (cross) modulation
o Arpeggiator
o Step Sequencer
o Other
To vote, please visit the following web page:
http://www.egroups.com/polls/AN1x-list Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the eGroups
web site listed above.