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Subject: swingtown patch

From: "Stephen Richardson" <dvrichardson@...>
Date: 2000-07-21

AN1x group,
    I am a new AN1x user and having a blast with both the synth and the PC editor I got from the Yamaha UK site - I am an old school keyboard player (i.e., PC88, VK7 and even and old Leslie 145) - That being said, my playing drastically outperforms my very poor programming ability.
   I am trying to come up to speed asap and doing all the research and experimenting in the meantime to become a little more proficient with the editor - but ........... in the interim, does anyone have any clue how to emulate the synth solo at the end of Steve Miller's "swingtown" - our cover band is doing this song and I would love to use the AN on this tune.
Thanks in advance....
(PS to all the YES fan postings I saw - I have been a fan for many years and the recent tour with the keyboard setup helped me make the final decision to purchase the AN1x...)