Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: a challenge...
From: keltik@...
Date: 2000-07-20
While I love to write music, I'm fairly new to MIDI, and less
technically inclined than most, so you'll have to bear with me :).
Wanting to expand my current setup, I recently purchased a PLG150AN
and downloaded Gary's AN1xEdit to control it. Unfortunately, I
haven't the slightest idea how to get the thing working. I'm
currently running Cakewalk 9 on my PC (450MHz k6-3, 192M pc100, 23G
HD's), and I'm getting my sounds and effects from an SW1000XG and
editing those sounds and effects through XGedit, with Hubi's tying it
all together. I would be MOST apprectiative if anyone could offer up
a short guide for integrating the PLG and AN1xEdit into my setup, as
well as possibly suggesting a few tips on how to get started editing
sounds on the PLG. My current setup is as follows:
| |---LB1---Hwmdcabl-1---LB3---Hwmdcabl-2---SW1000XG #1
|XGedit| | |
|______|---]|[--------+ |
___|____ | |
| |---]|[-------+
|Cakewalk| |
midi in-|________|---LB4------------Hwmdcabl-3---SW1000XG #2
∗Nasty ASCII version of Gary's nicely rendered schematic at
I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can come up with a
solution to my little dilemma. Thank you and goodnight!