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Subject: OT: MIDI Interfaces (was Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 127)

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-07-11

Underground Sounds wrote:
> FWIW - I have both a standard MIDI Interface and a MIDIMAN MIDISport USB
> 2x2. On the Mac, the MIDISport USB MIDI Interface works okaaaaay for
> MIDI Note On & Off (with some apps) but its completely unreliable for
> SysEx. That's true for AN1xEdit and other apps. Windows users seem to
> have better luck with the MIDISport 2x2 but you may want to try it with
> AN1xEdit ∗before∗ you unload your old MIDI Interface.
> I've posted my USB MIDI Interface experience on my website if you're
> interested.
> hi jon.
> i´m searching the moment for an interface as well....´cause i will hopefully
> get this fuckin´ an1x thing,soon.

Good luck with the AN1x hunting :-)

> so it would be better with more synth´s not to go with midi thru at all,i
> think.

Yes, I agree. MIDI Thru is good for one, maybe two synths, but if you
expect your kit list to grow - and who doesn't ;-) - then get a
multi port MIDI Interface.

> i´m using PC logic and want to ask wot´s ´bout the new emagic "little"
> interface just came out???

It's called the MT4. I just switched to Logic Gold on the Mac last
month and it works fine with my old standard MIDI Interface. Haven't
used the MIDISport with Logic yet but since OMS is required on the Mac
for USB MIDI Interfaces with Logic I don't expect my results to be any

> i don´t need more than 2 in´s and 4 out´s !!!
> further recommends for me??

It's too new to tell how well it works yet. I don't know anybody using
it. To be honest with you, my next MIDI Interface will probably be an
Emagic MIDI Interface. They seem to work fairly well with Emagic
products and they appear to be committed to resolving the few issue I've
read about.

Did you know that there are a few Emagic Logic lists here at eGroups?
The main list has something like 3000+ members. These guys really know
what they're talking about too! I've posted once or twice to the Mac
splinter group (much smaller group of users) and they're very helpful.



Featuring support for the Ensoniq ASR-X Pro Sampler and Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer