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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Do-All-Be-Everything-Module-Thingy

From: angelphkt@...
Date: 2000-07-04

>Yeah, instead we have 15 year old kids going out presenting
>their "megacool" Dance-Trance-crap made with their "Radium"-versions
>of Magix Music Maker, ReBirth and (Dance/Techno/Hiphop)eJay. (and
>posting their URLĀ“s here...) >:(

HAHAHHA, yeah, well we've got that here too...but not too bad, i dont which
is worse :-) hheheheh....heh, i guess that explains the whole waldorf thing,
you said it's inexpensive there....waldorf is INSANELY overpriced here, in
∗my∗ opinion....others may disagree....
