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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch

From: "Edwards, Ed" <ed.edwards@...>
Date: 2000-07-03

>Cool, what sort of parameters are you modulating via the 'aftertouch'?

Have you ever tried an interval, 5th, minor 2nd, octave? (You've got to use
the DCO to get it done.) Volume? Close/open filter? Effect depth?

Effect parameters... use it all the time on aftertouch on my 01/W. The 01
does have a better response from the keyboard than the AN. As I've posted
to the list before, the AN's aftertouch is too sensitive, kicking in way too
early with a merely light pressure. And Yamaha failed to put a sensitivity
adjustment in the software. I vow that the first time I have to open mine
up for anything, I'll find the circuit and come up with a mod for this.
(The Roland JX analogs had a slider for aftertouch sensitivity. This was a
good old analog "bring it out on a pot" idea.)
