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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch

From: Phil <accession@...>
Date: 2000-07-03

Re: [AN1x-list] re: Do-All-Be-Everything... AND Aftertouch
Hi there again Ash,

Originally posted by Ash:
"...aftertouch just makes your stuff sounds more realistic's
like having the texture of weighted's usually pretty much standard
on most synths that you don't buy from your local convenient store...

i tend to use the aftertouch for mostly my ambient shit....and noize
stuff.....but the classical guys also dig it too, i guess its just a matter
of if you like it or not....i guess it can be a pain in the ass, but more
often times i dont think it is....."

Cool, what sort of parameters are you modulating via the 'aftertouch'?

I can see that it could be used effectively as a trigger for some 'vibrato' when you want to introduce that sort of effect to the notes you are playing - particularly with string patches.

I know that it certainly takes a little practice to get the feel of it as once you're activating the 'aftertouch', it only seems to take a slight bit more pressure to run through it's range - sort of hard to keep something like say, a filter sweep under control, that's being triggered via aftertouch.

What are some other applications have you (or, anyone else on this list) discovered for 'Aftertouch' - ie. what are you using it to control?

Thanks again for your interest,
